Thank you for fighting for taxpayers

When our elected officials fight for transparency and accountability, we need to thank them. We may not always agree with every decision they make, but when legislators fight for the taxpayers, voters need to know. As legislative session winds down, please take a moment to contact these senators and representatives.


Senator Katrina Shealy

When government agencies like the Department of Juvenile Justice wouldn't take action to protect children, Senator Katrina Shealy refused to stand down. Her leadership is making a difference to ensure that all children are protected.

Senator Wes Climer

Senator Climer led the charge to hold Department of Commerce bureaucrats accountable when they misspent our money, and he was the first to call for selling the state plane when politicians took vacations on our dime. Senator Wes Climer is a champion for fiscal responsibility.

Senators Richard Cash, Wes Climer, Tom Corbin, Shane Massey, Rex Rice | Representatives Patrick Haddon, Josiah Magnuson, RJ May, Ryan McCabe, Adam Morgan, and Ashley Trantham

These senators and representatives opposed earmark and pork barrel spending. Special earmarks promote wasteful spending and should be eliminated.

Senators Tom Corbin, Brian Adams, Wes Climer, Danny Verdin, Katrina Shealy, Rex Rice, Josh Kimbrell, and Scott Talley | Representatives Josiah Magnuson, Mike Burns, Stewart Jones, Adam Morgan, Steve Moss, RJ May, Steven Long and Jonathon Hill

These senators and representatives sponsored legislation to reform the judicial selection process. The way judges are chosen in South Carolina is broken, and voters deserve judges who will interpret the law, not try to make the law.


Senators Scott Talley, Rex Rice, and Ross Turner | Representative Jason Elliott
These legislators sponsored a bill known as the Taxpayer Transparency Act, which would make it easier for taxpayers to know exactly how their money is being spent in Columbia. This legislation is desperately needed and we support their work to bring increased transparency.

Senator Shane Massey

Senator Massey was the leader in the fight against earmark and pork barrel spending. Special budget carve outs for the politically connected are wrong, and we thank Senator Shane Massey for fighting against earmarks.

Contact these senators and representatives and tell them thank you.


By Taylor Hall 30 Jan, 2023
Every week it seems like states across the country are passing new school choice policies that expand opportunity for students. Now it’s South Carolina’s turn: this week, the Senate is considering a bill that would bring historic education freedom to our state. We have the chance to lead the way in expanding education freedom for families and ensure that kids in South Carolina have the best education possible. Senator Wes Climer has introduced amendments to the bill (S.39) that would substantially increase the number of families eligible to participate. Our goal should be simple: expand school choice to include as many students as possible. Many senators, including Senator Climer, Senator Michael Johnson , and Senator Harvey Peeler , have been champions for education freedom. We need more senators to stand with them to support school choice. I’m asking for your help: please call and email your state senator today and ask them to support Senator Climer’s amendments to the school choice bill. School choice is about recognizing that parents know what is best for their children. Every parent deserves the opportunity to choose the education that is best for their child – regardless of their income or zip code. The South Carolina Senate has the chance to make that opportunity a reality for tens of thousands of families. South Carolina kids are counting on us! Contact your senator today.
By Taylor Hall 27 Oct, 2022
Election Day is almost here and South Carolina’s Conservative Future is proud to endorse four candidates for the South Carolina House of Representatives.
By Taylor Hall 10 Oct, 2022
Next week, South Carolina has the chance to become the most pro-life state in the country. On October 18, the South Carolina State Senate will be voting on the Human Life Protection Act, H.5399 - a bill that would protect unborn children and their mothers from abortion. Let me be clear: this is the most consequential vote for life in our state's history. South Carolina's Conservative Future strongly supports this legislation and asks you to call and email your state senator today to express your support for the Human Life Protection Act. This bill would prevent abortions in South Carolina, except in cases of rape, incest, and when the mother's life is at risk. This bill will protect 99% of unborn children. There are multiple Republican senators, who campaigned on a platform on being pro-life, who have not committed to supporting this bill. We need your help to make South Carolina the most pro-life state in the country. Please send an email and call your state senator today. You can find your senator's contact information here . Thank you for your willingness to help protect life in South Carolina. John Warren
By Taylor Hall 25 May, 2022
There has never been a more important time in education than right now . South Carolina has been ranked towards the bottom for decades, and the past few years have only made it worse. Our kids deserve the best, not the status quo. For South Carolina's next superintendent of education, we need a bold leader who puts the needs of kids first . A leader who is committed to excellence in foundational academic skills like literacy. And a leader who fundamentally believes that parents know what is best for their children, not the government . I am proud to announce that South Carolina's Conservative Future is endorsing Ellen Weaver for superintendent of education . Ellen is a lifelong conservative Republican who has fought in the trenches for school choice. She is by far the most qualified candidate in her knowledge, skillset, and conservative beliefs.
By Taylor Hall 17 Jan, 2022
Has there ever been a more important time to elect the right people to the state senate? South Carolina currently has the highest income tax rates in the Southeast, wasteful spending in government, and no plan to fix education. We need more leaders in Columbia who value the taxpayer, the student, and the parent – not another career politician. That’s why today, I am proud to announce that South Carolina’s Conservative Future is endorsing Mike Reichenbach for state senate in district 31 . Mike is a career businessman who will champion our shared values – he will cut taxes, put a stop to wasteful spending, and always put the needs of students and parents first. Mike has spent his life in the private sector - as a businessman and community volunteer. He served as a commissioned law enforcement officer, employs hundreds of people, and understands the value of a dollar. We need Mike’s leadership in South Carolina. On Tuesday, January 25, support conservative businessman Mike Reichenbach for state senate.
By Taylor Hall 11 Jan, 2022
Since 2020, South Carolina children have had to endure a lot. Closed schools, mask mandates, time away from friends – even some playgrounds were closed for weeks. Never has there been a better case for giving parents and families more choices in education. But the truth is, kids have been suffering at the hands of bureaucrats who refuse to put students first for years. T ens of thousands of South Carolina children are zoned for some of the lowest performing schools in the country. Many of these children are far behind in reading and most of those schools do little to truly prepare students for their futures. In 2022, let’s resolve to change this trajectory. South Carolina’s Conservative Future is committed to real school choice – where parents and children actually have more than one option when it comes to education. Conservatives rightly say that parents know what’s best for their kids. But too many politicians and special interest groups in Columbia are blocking the ability of parents to exercise that right. During the 2022 election cycle and throughout legislative session, South Carolina’s Conservative Future will: - Support candidates who champion true school choice. Oppose candidates who choose protecting the status quo over standing with families. Support the expansion of high-quality public charter schools. Support funding students as individuals, instead of funding systems. Support strong accountability so that taxpayers know how their money is being spent. It’s time for politicians in Columbia who call themselves Republicans to start acting like it. Stand with families and students and support school choice in 2022. 
By Taylor Hall 29 Jun, 2021
When our elected officials fight for transparency and accountability, we need to thank them. We may not always agree with every decision they make, but when legislators fight for the taxpayers, voters need to know. As legislative session winds down, please take a moment to contact these senators and representatives. Accountability Senator Katrina Shealy When government agencies like the Department of Juvenile Justice wouldn't take action to protect children, Senator Katrina Shealy refused to stand down. Her leadership is making a difference to ensure that all children are protected. Senator Wes Climer Senator Climer led the charge to hold Department of Commerce bureaucrats accountable when they misspent our money, and he was the first to call for selling the state plane when politicians took vacations on our dime. Senator Wes Climer is a champion for fiscal responsibility. Senators Richard Cash, Wes Climer, Tom Corbin, Shane Massey, Rex Rice | Representatives Patrick Haddon, Josiah Magnuson, RJ May, Ryan McCabe, Adam Morgan, and Ashley Trantham These senators and representatives opposed earmark and pork barrel spending. Special earmarks promote wasteful spending and should be eliminated. Senators Tom Corbin, Brian Adams, Wes Climer, Danny Verdin, Katrina Shealy, Rex Rice, Josh Kimbrell, and Scott Talley | Representatives Josiah Magnuson, Mike Burns, Stewart Jones, Adam Morgan, Steve Moss, RJ May, Steven Long and Jonathon Hill These senators and representatives sponsored legislation to reform the judicial selection process. The way judges are chosen in South Carolina is broken, and voters deserve judges who will interpret the law, not try to make the law. Transparency Senators Scott Talley, Rex Rice, and Ross Turner | Representative Jason Elliott These legislators sponsored a bill known as the Taxpayer Transparency Act, which would make it easier for taxpayers to know exactly how their money is being spent in Columbia. This legislation is desperately needed and we support their work to bring increased transparency. Senator Shane Massey Senator Massey was the leader in the fight against earmark and pork barrel spending. Special budget carve outs for the politically connected are wrong, and we thank Senator Shane Massey for fighting against earmarks. Contact these senators and representatives and tell them thank you. John
By Taylor Hall 22 Jun, 2021
Last week, we launched Accountability for Taxpayers – an initiative to expose wasteful spending and corruption of the career politicians in Columbia. And it doesn't get more wasteful than crony capitalism. In 2019, South Carolina politicians rammed through a sweetheart deal for the billionaire who owns the Carolina Panthers - to the tune of $165M in taxpayer money. All because the billionaire promised to bring 150 jobs to the state. That means taxpayers are paying more than $1,100,000 per job that was promised to be created! Only career politicians who have never actually created a job think it’s necessary to spend that much money to bring jobs to our state. Just ask the thousands of small business leaders who drive our economy and don’t get a dime from state government. While South Carolina taxpayers get hosed every year with some of the highest taxes in the country a politically connected out-of-state billionaire got a special deal on our dime. With our roads in desperate need of repair, more police officers needed on our streets, and the highest income tax rate in the Southeast, why on earth is our state government paying a billionaire $1,100,000 per job?
By Taylor Hall 17 Jun, 2021
Earlier this week, we launched our newest initiative: Accountability for Taxpayers. We promised to expose problems created by the career politicians in Columbia – specifically wasteful spending and corruption. Unfortunately for the people of South Carolina, there are more examples than we could possibly count, but first up on the list: South Carolina’s 2021-2022 budget. Despite the state having a staggering $1.7 billion surplus, taxpayers are getting ZERO in tax relief. Instead, politicians have used our money to help themselves to a pork spending buffet. Here are just a few items stuffed into this year’s budget: - $5,000,000 for an opera house - $200,000 for a food and wine festival - $550,000 for an “Art Park Project” - $250,000 for a tennis center South Carolina has the highest income tax in the Southeast, but this is how politicians are spending our hard-earned tax dollars? Call your legislators today and ask them to remove pork and earmark spending from the budget. Taxpayer money belongs to the people of South Carolina, not politicians. John
By Taylor Hall 14 Jun, 2021
When we launched South Carolina’s Conservative Future last year, one of our goals was to empower conservatives across the state with information about our state government. Career politicians love nothing more than hiding the truth about how they spend our money. That is about to change. That’s why I'm excited to announce the launch of a new initiative: Accountability for Taxpayers. This is a statewide effort to root out corruption and wasteful spending in state government. As we prepare for the 2022 election cycle, we want incumbent and prospective candidates to know that voters expect conservative policy. Every candidate seems to talk like a conservative on the campaign trail, but they start voting and acting like liberal Democrats when they get to Columbia! Over the next few weeks, we'll be exposing just a few examples of problems caused by career politicians in Columbia and asking you to call and email your elected officials to make your voice heard. It’s time that taxpayers get what we pay for and expect: accountability for our hard-earned tax dollars. Stay tuned for more later this week! John
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